Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What If Everything Goes Right?

I made 42 sketches when I was 16 years old for what I believed would be my first clothing collection. Those sketches were placed in a manila folder, laid in my desk drawer, and were forgotten. 

Over the years my interest in fashion was periodically reawakened and I would sketch again, hem some pants, or renew my subscription to GQ magazine. Invariably, after a few weeks I would put those resurrected hobbies to rest. And why? Insecurities. I was afraid of being labeled gay, being told that fashion is a saturated market, or being told that I wasn't talented enough. Regrettably, since I was afraid, my own subconscious mind listened to and believed these fears.

It took me 12 years to face these fears. Finally, at 28 years old, I feel that for the first time I have enough self-confidence to recognize what I want; I have learned to protect my dreams by only sharing them with people who are supportive; and a special wave of gratitude goes to my dear friend and inspirational mentor, Jorge Reyes Sam, who has taught me the power of positive thinking and showed me that FEAR is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real

Fashion was my many-year-daydream, but now I'm ready for it become my reality. I interview people who influence fashion: designers, buyers, bloggers, PR, and more. Together we will get to know these influencers through personal interviews with established and emerging fashion brands! 

If you are facing change in your life, I would encourage you to ask yourself one of Jorge's favorite questions, "What if everything goes right?" 

Thank you,
Thurston Threads


  1. Marcus,
    I am very proud of you for jumping and starting to live your dreams. My goal is that everybody around me can benefit from the power of positive thinking. Having a big dream is important but being willing to sacrifice it all, and give all you got to achieve the dream makes the difference between successful and unsuccessful people. I would like to continue encouraging you to accomplish your goals, remember that a goal is nothing more than a dream with a deadline.
    “There is an old saying that man only dares use his words for three purposes, to "heal, bless or prosper." What man says of others will be said of him, and what he wishes for another, he is wishing for himself.”
    ― Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life and How to Play It

    1. Jorge,
      Thanks so much for the supportive words! That's a good quote from a good book.
