Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How to Avoid Interview Clichés

So many times when you ask a brand what differentiates them from their competition you get the same answer: "We have exceptional quality and craftsmanship." 

Okay, that's great, but who are you? 
Why don't you talk about your brand's style or the story that sparked the idea for the brand? Why don't you talk about who your customer is? So many brands think that customers want quality—and they do—but quality alone neither excites nor evokes strong emotions to associate with your brand. You need to inspire your customer to dream!

How you should answer the question: "What is your brand best known for?"
  • We're known as the go-to brand for people who love the coast.
  • We're known as the brand worn by high-achievers.
  • We're known for garments that never age.
When you don't talk about cliché topics you enable conversation that dives deeper into what makes your brand different. The interviewer will have a jumping-off point from which to ask further questions: 
  • Why do beach-lovers love your brand?
  • How does your brand attract high-achievers? How do you define a high-achiever?
  • How do your garments never age?
There is an immense amount of competition so don't waste your press time by talking about your unparalleled quality (unless it's truly remarkable and can protect you from flying objects). Instead, describe who you are, why you were established, and why your customers keep coming back. If you don't know why your customers keep coming back, then answer by saying what you hope draws them back. 

In Short: the next time someone wants to know what your brand is known for tell them something unique, not a cliché sound-bite, and you'll actually begin to stand out.

As always, wishing you great success. —TT


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