Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sketching Your Life Chart

Ideal Life Chart shown large at left. My Current Life Chart from Fall 2016 at right showed me considering a career shift into either UX Design or Marketing. 

Earlier in the Fall of 2016, I did an exercise to examine what my time looked like as a pie chart. I looked at what activities I did during the day and how I used my free time to sketch what my current and ideal life charts would look like. 

Comparing the differences between these charts was one way I knew that I was ready to leave graphic design and merchandising; it wasn't my ideal.

When I rediscovered this piece of paper a few days ago I was very pleased to see that my Ideal Life Chart was beginning to look a lot like my new Current Life Chart! Thanks to the positive thinking of people close to me I was able to build the confidence needed to make changes to my life and it feels wonderful to see the progress in motion! 

I would encourage everyone to do this exercise so you can see whether you are spending your time as you'd like, and if not, see what areas to work on to improve the look of your life chart. 


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